
How To Use Last Fm On Iphone

LastFm - block based SDK for iOS and Mac OS X

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Loosely based on LastFMService from the old iPhone app, but non-blocking, more readable, much easier to use (and to extend) and with less dependencies.


  • Block based for easier usage
  • Only one dependency (KissXML)
  • Returns values in the correct data type (NSDate, NSURL, NSNumber, etc)
  • Hook in your own caching methods (GVCache, NSCache, Core Data, SYCache, EGOCache, ...)
  • Cancelable operations, perfect for when cells are scrolled off screen and you don't need to make the API calls after all
  • Actively developed and maintained (it's used in the official Scrobbler app!)


                              //                Set the session info              [LastFm              sharedInstance].apiKey =                              @"xxx"              ; [LastFm              sharedInstance].apiSecret =                              @"xxx"              ; [LastFm              sharedInstance].session = session; [LastFm              sharedInstance].username = username;                              //                Get artist info              [[LastFm              sharedInstance]              getInfoForArtist:                              @"Pink Floyd"                            successHandler:^(NSDictionary              *result) {              NSLog(                @"result:                %@                "              , result); }              failureHandler:^(NSError              *error) {              NSLog(                @"error:                %@                "              , error); }];                              //                Scrobble a track              [[LastFm              sharedInstance]              sendScrobbledTrack:                              @"Wish You Were Here"                            byArtist:                              @"Pink Floyd"                            onAlbum:                              @"Wish You Were Here"                            withDuration:              534              atTimestamp:(int)[[NSDate              date]              timeIntervalSince1970]              successHandler:^(NSDictionary              *result) {              NSLog(                @"result:                %@                "              , result); }              failureHandler:^(NSError              *error) {              NSLog(                @"error:                %@                "              , error); }];

Save the username and session you get with getSessionForUser:password:successHandler:failureHandler: somewhere, for example in NSUserDefaults, and on app start up set it back on [LastFm sharedInstance].username and [LastFm sharedInstance].session.

See the included iOS project for examples on login, logout, getting artist info and more.

Example app

There's an extensive example app available which handles login, logout, getting lots of artists in a tableview and showing their details, caching, canceling API calls, and much more.

To install the example app, you need to use CocoaPods: pod install. You can also try it by running pod try LastFm.

The example app only works in iOS 5 and higher due to the usage of storyboards. The SDK itself works in iOS 4 and higher.


You can install LastFm with CocoaPods. Just add the following line to your Podfile, and run pod install:

You can also simply clone the repository and drag the LastFm subfolder into your Xcode project. Be sure to install KissXML yourself.


  • LastFm is built using ARC and modern Objective-C syntax. You will need iOS 4 and Xcode 4.4 or higher to use it in your project.
  • You will need your own API key by registering at
  • KissXML

Issues and questions

Have a bug? Please create an issue on GitHub!

Apps using LastFm

  • Scrobbler
  • MetroLyrics
  • ShazamScrobbler for OS X
  • Radiant Player

Are you using LastFm in your iOS or Mac OS X app? Send a pull request with an updated file to be included.

Test the LastFM API on RapidAPI.


LastFm is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

How To Use Last Fm On Iphone


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